Gruuk Jit'Jit, The Flying Goblin City
Welcome to Gruuk Jit'Jit, the goblin miracle! After an arcane mishap launched a chunk of the elven city of Niirisarnel into the sky, the goblins wrested control of the flying island and claimed it as their territory. A burning fuel elemental at the city's center thrusts Gruuk Jit'Jit across the skies of the realm while goblins exercise their freedom to the fullest. Small jets, tethered balloons, and diesel-powered propellers keep the city aloft even as an eventual collapse seems unavoidable.
Six powerful factions vie for control of the city: brutal sky pirates, duplicitous farmers, criminal freelancers, altruistic engineers, arcane cultists, and hedonist diplomats. Surviving in Gruuk Jit'Jit means juggling the politics of the flying city and finding a balance between morality, chaos, and practicality. Can the adventurers make friends without making bitter enemies as well?
Gruuk Jit'Jit is the ultimate playground for unpredictable parties. The dieselpunk aesthetic is perfect for pulpy fantasy, combining the thrilling adventure of airship duels high above the realm with the magical intrigue of the greatest RPG stories. This is a massive and complex city with endless opportunities for hijinks, combat, sleuthing, and backstabbing.
While in Gruuk Jit'Jit, your players may have to:
- Overthrow the elven druids in town
- Figure out how to avoid a calamitous crash
- Aid or resist a sky pirate raid
- Help the ailing fuel elemental recover her sanity
- Combat an armada of experimental airships
- End the stalled negotiations in Fort Vaulter

Gruuk Jit'Jit is a colossal city, filled with crumbling elven houses, docked airships, and ramshackle goblin constructions.
At the center of the city, Piiralus the fuel elemental swirls in an arcane conflagration, generating the thrust that keeps the city aloft. Religious zealots keep shrines in the caves around the center of the island.
The northeast corner of the city is dominated by the massive Flying Pig Lodge, a seemingly anarchic tavern complex home to criminals, a dueling pit, private saunas, and a marketplace filled with illicit goods. Do your players dare to fight in the dueling pit?
Docks are scattered across the island, crucial for adventurers who have claimed their own airship or for parties who need to hitch a ride on a sky-ferry. Experimental technology—both goblin-made and otherwise—can be found in all corners of the city.
All of Gruuk Jit'Jit's food is produced in the elegant greenhouse in the southern portion of the city. This off-limits to anyone but the elves and their allies, but chaotic parties will certainly end up throwing stones inside this glass house.
The imposing Fort Vaulter sits on an island of its own to the southeast. All adventures will likely culminate in this great goblin castle, seat of the city's government, and home to countless despicable secrets.
We have a wide variety of alternate maps to shake up your Gruuk Jit'Jit adventures: snowy, cloudy, and sunset variants allow for you to change up the mood. The landed version of the city can provide a more “grounded” (pun intended) experience, and a seaside village makes for extremely relaxing oceanic adventures. Finally, a trio of outer space variants lets you put the sci-fi element of this setting front and center.

Gruuk Jit'Jit is a multifaceted setting, with chaotic goblins, calm and calculated elves, intense battles, and dark dungeons. Our accompanying album will let you score any Gruuk Jit'Jit adventure in its entirety. These 13 tracks encompass a variety of dieselpunk moods, from calm sunrises to epic airship clashes.
This album is available wherever you stream music: Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Bandcamp, etc. Of course, if you want looping tracks and variants of these tunes, you'll have to head to our Patreon!