Elseridge Academy, The Magical School at the Edge of the World
At the very edge of the world, north of the Vyndur Mountains and perilously close to the stars, where enchanted waters flow over salt flats and into the immeasurable abyss beyond, a school has stood for three thousand years. Elseridge Academy is the realm’s premier institution for practitioners of each of the magical arts, a home both for beginners to hone their craft without endangering civilians and for experts to further the realm’s understanding of high-level magic.
Elseridge Academy is the ultimate setting for magic school adventures. Our comprehensive borough guide introduces you to the dozens of students and professors, overviews the distinct colleges and their curricula, and provides over 100 plot hooks and rumors for your players to untangle. Perhaps most importantly, we provide practical advice about how to actually run a magic school adventure, including how you might structure play sessions.
While studying at Elseridge Academy, your party might just:
- Join the nefarious Haritama Society and unravel it from within
- Compete in a Scramble Shard tournament
- Explore the cliffs, salt flats, and “Wrong Campus”
- Complete a journey year quest and arcane thesis
Of course, you don’t have to treat Elseridge Academy like it’s the hub for your entire campaign. Any party of adventurers might travel to the great academy at the edge of the world to plumb its ancient secrets!

Elseridge Academy’s map is truly massive, 12x the size of traditional battle maps. That gives you the opportunity to explore the borough in intense detail. Travel via canal and make sure to examine all of the interior spaces (over a dozen fully furnished buildings) and associated bonus maps.
While the map coheres and looks like a realistically contiguous space, there are plenty of unique landmarks: the Hexacoil, Prime Observatory, greenhouse, Statement Hall, fluxum shard, and Other Leg tavern, to name a few. This is not an anonymous or lifeless campus, but a thriving and mysterious play space ripe for lengthy campaigns.
Explore bizarre astral weather phenomena with our starfall and fluxum variants. Alternatively, relocate the academy to a more traditional setting: our tropical, winter, and forest variants allow you to run Elseridge Academy your way.

With over an hour of original music to help you score your Elseridge Academy campaigns, you should be well on your way to scoring lengthy adventures at the magic school. There are sporty fanfares (“Scramble Shard”), magical mystery music (“Wrong Campus”), and cinematic theme tunes (“Academy Halls”). Above all else, we’ve attempted to capture the range of experiences at a magic school, with tunes for druids, bards, and all other varieties of spellcasters.